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iciHaiti - Social : Thousands of food kits distributed in three departments
16/12/2020 11:05:43

iciHaiti - Social : Thousands of food kits distributed in three departments
Teams from the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES) distributed more than 5,000 food kits last weekend in the departments of Ouest, Artibonite and North-East.

More than 1,000 vulnerable people residing in Vallue (12th municipal section of Petit-Goâve) received dry rations on Friday 11 December. Saturday 12 it was the turn of the inhabitants of Ti Dolan, Basen Desous and Tarasse located in the first section of the Gonaïves plain to benefit from more than 2,000 kits

To end the FAES teams went on Sunday to the North-East department more precisely to Phaéton, Caracol and Ferrier in order to distribute more than 2,000 dry rations.

IH/ iciHaiti

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