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iciHaiti - Death : The Grand Septentrional Orchestra is in mourning
25/06/2020 10:09:01

iciHaiti - Death : The Grand Septentrional Orchestra is in mourning
The Grand Septentrional Orchestra is in mourning, François Nikol Levy (73 years old) died in the morning of Wednesday June 24, 2020 at Bernard Mevs hospital where he was in intensive care for a week, following a Stroke.

Jazz musician, composer and music teacher, François Nikol Levy was the Music Director of the Septentrional Orchestra.

Reacting to this news, Pradel Henriquez Minister of Culture while expressing his sadness and his pain, bowed to the body of François Nicole Lévy. "A star in the Septentrional Orchestra of Haiti left for the Eternal Orient [...] While sharing the pain of his large musical family, presents his sympathies to his family and his fans," adding "With the unexpected disappearance of the musician Lévy, the Septentrional Orchestra loses part of its soul [...] the Ministry will remember for a long time the prodigious musician who was very involved in national life and more particularly, in the city of Cap. The deceased was also a member of the former musical group called 'Sakad' and of the group 'System Band'."

For his part, Senator Jean-Marie Ralph-Féthière "presents his sympathies to the family and the great Septentrional Orchestra and the city of Cap. Happy crossing, Maestro Levy ! The Cap will always be proud of you."

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