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iciHaiti - Justice : Commissioner of the Government awarded himself a «satisfecit»
07/03/2019 09:26:16

iciHaiti - Justice : Commissioner of the Government awarded himself a «satisfecit»
Wednesday, Paul Eronce Villard the new Commissioner of the Government of Port-au-Prince, in office since December 18, 2018 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26448-haiti-news-zapping.html , for the sake of transparency has made a review of its activities and awarded himself a "satisfecit"

"Of the 73 files sent to the prosecutor's office, 27 were closed without further action and 36 were sent to the investigating office," said the head of the public prosecutor's office, who said his administration has not issued any "committal order" during February, because, according to him, the Public Prosecutor's office has "treated all the files on time" since his arrival at the head of the institution.

During the month of January 2019, the prosecutor's office of Port-au-Prince processed 169 cases, 43 were dismissed, 94 were sent to the investigating office and 32 were transferred to the correctional offices. In February, 73 cases were treated, 27 were dismissed, 36 were referred to the investigation department and 10 to the correctional services.

Adding that since his installation as Chief of the Procuratorate he has issued 67 final indictments and 28 indictments.

It should be remembered that from October 2017 to December 2018, prosecutors in Port-au-Prince had received 1,369 criminal cases. In 595 cases, they decided the same day to take action or abandon the prosecution. In 41.5% of these 1,369 cases, the lawsuits were dropped. During the same period, the 22 investigating judges classified 442 cases, that is, on average, 1.7 cases per judge and per month. However, as of December 31, 2018, the proportion of people waiting for trial for more than two years was 65%, compared to 63.6% for the same period last year.

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