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iciHaiti - Education : Threatened with sanctions some schools file their lists...
23/01/2018 11:18:55

iciHaiti - Education : Threatened with sanctions some schools file their lists...
Monday, following the last deadline granted and the threats of sanction of the Ministry of National Education against more than 400 schools suspected of fraud, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23343-haiti-flash-more-than-400-schools-suspected-of-fraud-threatened-with-sanctions.html about twenty school leaders in the list of more than 400 names published by the Ministry, went to the office of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry in Musseau.

Under the supervision of Renan Michel, Director of the National Bureau of State Examinations (BUNEXE), officials assigned to this structure received these school directors who came, as requested in the note of the Ministry, to file their end-of-year decision lists for the 2016-2017 academic period.

Only school principals in the Delmas area are involved in the first two days.

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