iciHaiti - Tourism : 60 young people trained in the cause of tourism 24/08/2017 10:08:56
As part of the campaign to change the attitude towards tourism "Zafè Touris se Zafè Tout Moun" https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-21398-icihaiti-tourism-launch-of-the-campaign-zafe-touris-se-zafe-tout-moun.html a delegation from the Ministry of Tourism met with a group of 60 young people at the National School Mixed of Anse-à-Veau, for a training session on the reception and awareness to the cause of tourism.
At the end of the training, facilitated by two members of the Department's communication team, all participants were able to answer questions about: what a tourist is; Why tourism is important to the development and economy of Haiti and what is the responsibility of each vis-à-vis the tourist.
Young promised to pass the message to their peers in their schools and neighborhoods, they are also committed to involve everyone personally.
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IH/ iciHaiti