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iciHaiti - Politics : The Minister of Education Honored
31/07/2017 08:36:39

iciHaiti - Politics : The Minister of Education Honored
Sunday Pierre Josué Agenor Cadet, Minister of Education who took part in the closing of the 3-day Symposium held at the Hotel La Cretonne, Les Cayes, on the University and territorial development https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-21666-haiti-politics-symposium-on-university-and-territorial-development.html welcomed the initiative and thanked the Public University Network in Region (UPR) and all the participants for having initiated deep reflections on a subject, he said, rather deep and which deserves constant and sustained attention.

Organizers and participants expressed their satisfaction with the quality of the exchanges and the smooth running of the Symposium, which was supported by Unesco and several experts from universities in Haiti, Canada, France, the Caribbean and the United States.

Presenting the synthesis of activities, a participant at the Symposium considered that the expected results of the exchanges on themes such as Research and territorial development, University and territorial development, higher professionalization and territorial development, ICT and decentralization of higher education, financing of Territorial development have been respected.

Note that during the ceremony, honor and merit plaques have ben handed to some personalities including the Minister Cadet and to the in charge of the UPR file in the minister's office, Narcisse Fièvre.

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