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iciHaiti - Elections : The son of «Baby Doc» congratulates Jovenel Moïse
30/11/2016 08:36:07

iciHaiti - Elections : The son of «Baby Doc» congratulates Jovenel Moïse
In a letter addressed to Jovenel Moïse winner in the first round of the presidential election of November 20, according to preliminary results released Monday https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19370-haiti-flash-preliminary-results-1st-round-elections-20-november-2016.html François Nicolas Duvalier, son of the late President JC Duvalier sent him his congratulations and encouragement:

Letter from François Nicolas Duvalier :
"Mr. President,

It was with joy that I learned of your victory in the presidential elections.

I wanted to express my satisfaction, but above all my hope that this change in governance can bring the dynamic impetus our country needs.

Your task will not be easy, therefore I extend my best wishes and encouragement. I hope that your efforts will be successful.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my patriotic consideration"

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