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iciHaiti - Social : Tribute to rural women and «Madan Sara»
16/10/2016 10:43:39

iciHaiti - Social : Tribute to rural women and «Madan Sara»
Saturday, as part of the celebration of the International Day of Rural Women, the agronomist engineer, Talot Bertrand, Secretary General of the nonprofit organization PROMODEV, praised rural women who care not only of agricultural tasks but also of family responsibilities and their rural community. They are the pillar on which is based the agricultural exploitation in Haiti. They are revealed of paramount importance in managing konbits, in the marketing of agricultural products, in family medicine with traditional midwives in protecting the environment. He emphasized the courage of our "Madan Sara" who, through their sacrifices, produce professional from different backgrounds.

The agronomist Bertrand asks State authorities to give rural women the means to act and to develop their activities that could support not only their families but also the entire community they maintain.

A special thought for rural women of Grand'Anse, Nippes, South, Southeast, West and Northwest living hard times after losing all their goods and agricultural products, following the passage on Haiti, of hurricane Matthew.

Learn more about PROMODEV visit : www.promodev.ht/presentation/a-propos-de-nous

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