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iciHaiti - Justice : International agreements hardly applicable in Haiti
07/01/2016 10:17:16

iciHaiti - Justice : International agreements hardly applicable in Haiti
As part of the 67th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Protector of Citizens, Florence Élie, of the Office of Citizen Protection (OPC) recalled that "Treaties or International Agreements, once sanctioned and ratified in the manner prescribed by the Constitution, are part of the legislation of the country and abrogate any laws which are contrary to them."

However, although she recognizes the efforts made by Governments over the last 25 years to ratify almost all UN instruments, including two key instruments: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified in 1991 and the International Covenant on Economic Rights social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), ratified in 2012, she deplores "[...] that the minimum conditions of effective implementation for the full enjoyment of the rights are not created till date. While the participation of the state in the process of Periodic Review (UPR) front the Council of Human Rights in 2011 as well as the late submission of periodic reports to the Treaty Bodies, testify indeed some political will to meet its treaty obligations, it remains true that the implementation of the recommendations of these two mechanisms remain the biggest concern today."

Finally, given the difficult times that the country is going through, the Office of Citizen Protection believes "[...] that political instability, the instrumentalisation of Justice, the poor living conditions, non-compliance of judicial guarantees, and the absence of effective public policies in all areas are among other enormous challenges, and represent situations that do not promote the enjoyment of the rights set forth in the Universal Declaration [...]"

IH/ S/ HaitiLibre

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