iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Training : First promotion of 72 rehabilitation technicians 27/08/2015 09:28:43 |
This Thursday morning at the Karibe Hotel, the U.S. Government through the USAID, and, in cooperation with Handicap International and the Ministry of Health, will hold a ceremony to present professional certification to the first class of 72... |
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iciHaiti - Sports : Summer Camp 2015 at the Sports Centre Dadadou 26/08/2015 13:48:30 |
About 300 young people aged 5-15 years participated for over a month in the traditional Summer Camp organized at Dadadou Sports Centre. Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Handball, Athletics are the disciplines practiced... |
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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Banana cultivation project in the region Goâvienne 26/08/2015 10:44:38 |
Yesterday, Tuesday, Fresner Dorcin, the Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development, met Michael Pereira of the company « Haiti Original / Doll Food »... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH: The bridge of Croix-des-Missions sags 10 cm ! (UPDATE 3h25 pm) 26/08/2015 10:17:33 |
Tuesday night, Rothchild François Jr. Minister of Communication, went in emergency on the bridge of Croix-des-Missions... |
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iciHaiti - Security : More than 600 Haitians have fled Hatillo Palma 25/08/2015 14:20:19 |
Following the rape last Wednesday, of a Dominican woman in the municipal district of Hatillo Palma, by 3 unidentified Haitian nationals, more than 600 Haitians have fled (or have been expelled) from the area where they lived and worked, fearing for... |
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iciHaiti - Education : Launch of 6 training seminars on inclusive education 25/08/2015 11:20:25 |
The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training and the Office of the Secretary of State for Integration of Persons with Disabilities, have launched a series of 6 seminars of awareness and training for 180 educational agents... |
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iciHaiti - Social : In Suriname, Haiti is remembered... 25/08/2015 10:31:26 |
The Consulate General of the Republic of Haiti in Suriname celebrated the « International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition »... |
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iciHaiti : The US government honors the DINEPA 25/08/2015 09:41:02 |
This Tuesday at the US Embassy, will take place early in the afternoon, a ceremony to honor the National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation, for its efforts and success in the field of drinking water and sanitation... |
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iciHaiti - Economy : Why the fuel prices do not fall at the pump ? 24/08/2015 12:45:06 |
While a barrel of crude has plunged to less than 40 US dollars, its lowest price since 6 years, prices at the pump for consumers not decreasing... |
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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Did you know ? 24/08/2015 11:20:29 |
Céréales d’Haïti S.A. created in July 2011, is the second wheat flour processing plant in Haiti for the Haitian market. It has a private international port able to receive ships of 25,000 tons... |
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