iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Security : Significant seizures in the South 26/09/2015 09:26:21 |
Between 22 and 24 September, the Office for the Fight against Illicit Narcotics Trafficking (BLTS) with the DEA, in several joint operations in the commnes of Saint-Louis du Sud and of the Île-à-Vache seized more than 2.5 tons of... |
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iciHaiti - Montreal : Courtesy visit of Consul at BCHM 25/09/2015 12:44:34 |
Earlier this week, the acting Chief of Post of the Consulate General of Haiti in Montreal, Kurdy Larèche, paid a courtesy visit to the Office of the Haitian community of Montreal (BCHM)... |
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iciHaiti - Culture : Haiti at the third meeting of Culture Ministers of CELAC 25/09/2015 12:29:03 |
Dithny Joan Raton, the Minister of Culture, participated in Havana at the 3rd Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the Community of the CELAC. which ended Monday and attended by 18 culture ministers and delegations from 28 countries of the region... |
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iciHaiti - Social : Preliminary draft law on universal accessibility standards 25/09/2015 09:52:40 |
The Ministry of Public Works and the Office of the Secretary of State (Gérald Oriol Jr.) for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities have organized a workshop around a draft law on universal accessibility standards... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : The Club de Madrid calls for a constructive dialogue with DR 25/09/2015 09:28:07 |
Former Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok that led in Haiti, the 6th mission of the Club de Madrid, which ended Wednesday, is not only remained in Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : Study reveals that Haiti is not ready for a new earthquake 24/09/2015 12:15:01 |
A study prepared by Spanish academics, led by the University of Alicante with the cooperation of Haitian institutions, reveals that... |
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iciHaiti - Tourism : Launch of the 19th Eco-tourism and production fair 24/09/2015 11:01:16 |
Wednesday at a press conference, Émilie Jessy Menos, the Secretary of State for Tourism, the coordinator of the Foundation for Alternative Tourism Development in Haiti and Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Ruben Sille Valdez... |
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iciHaiti - Health : Macaco-Dufreney will have its health center thanks to Taiwan 24/09/2015 10:11:27 |
Tuesday, Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume, Minister of Public Health, accompanied by Peter Hwang Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), proceeded to the laying of foundation stone of a health center... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : Ambassador of Canada visits the Moulins d'Haiti 24/09/2015 09:50:51 |
Wednesday, Ambassador of Canada Caldwell-St-Onge at the invitation of the Director General of Moulins d’Haïti, Canadian Jamie Marks, visited this flour mill located in Laffiteau... |
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iciHaiti - Technology : Online payment and Single Treasury Account, developed in Haiti 23/09/2015 12:29:46 |
Both IT systems designed and developed by the Haitian firm Turbo System, will not only facilitate taxpayers to fulfill their duty, but also the State with the CUT, to to better manage its financial resources... |
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