iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Dominican Republic : Bilateral dialogue suspended... 12/01/2016 07:58:28 |
Monday, Magalie Magloire, Ambassador of Haiti to the Dominican Republic, told the Dominican press, that for the moment there was no possibility... |
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iciHaiti - Technology : Digicel Business achieves Cisco Gold Certification 11/01/2016 10:01:08 |
Digicel Business, the region’s leading Business Solutions provider, received the past week, its Cisco® Gold Certification as well as the Master Cloud Managed Services Provider designation for its operations across... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : Hundreds of Haitians deported by the Dominican border 11/01/2016 09:33:50 |
Sunday at Dajabon, the General Directorate of Migration, the Specialized Corps of Ground Border Security and the Dominican army, proceeded to the return to their country, of hundreds of Haitians trying to enter illegally... |
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iciHaïti - Social : Exhibition of Tsunami equipment 11/01/2016 08:35:35 |
As part of the commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 in Haiti, the Maritime Service and Navigation of Haiti, organizes from Tuesday 12 to Friday to January 16, 2016 an exhibition of Tsunami equipment... |
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iciHaiti - Agriculture : DR wants the lifting of the export ban on fruit and vegetables 10/01/2016 10:02:16 |
The Dominican Exporters Association (ADOEXPO) suggested the Dominican government to increase efforts in order that Haiti eliminating the road transport ban... |
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iciHaiti - Security : Concern about the anarchic proliferation of LPG distributors 10/01/2016 08:46:27 |
In a note, the Ministers : Jude Hervé Day (Commerce and Industry), Dominique Pierre (Environnement) et Pierre-Richard Casimir (Justice and Public Safety), said they are « alarmed by the accelerated and uncontrolled proliferation of the number... |
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iciHaiti - Football : FIFA World Ranking, Haiti fell by 2 places 09/01/2016 10:48:15 |
In the latest world rankings of the International Football Federation (FIFA), published Thursday, January 7, 2016, the national selection of Haiti, which has accumulated a total of 453 points, lost 2 places and rank in 79th position... |
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iciHaiti - Education : UNNOH announces 2 days of strike by teachers 09/01/2016 09:29:07 |
Josué Mérilien, Coordinator of the National Union of Haitians Normaliens (UNNOH) announced that teachers of high schools and public schools will be on strike across the country... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Funeral of national Ati Alcenat Zamor 09/01/2016 08:46:27 |
Sunday, January 10, 2016, to the peristyle Hérard Simon in Lakou Zantray (Deronvil - Gonaives), will be sung the funeral of Alcénat Zamor, new Grand Chief Voodoo of Haiti... |
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iciHaïti - Diplomacy : The Chancellor Renault met the Ambassador of Cuba 08/01/2016 09:54:54 |
The Haitian Chancellor Lener Renauld met the Ambassador of Cuba Ricardo Garcia Naples, to discuss issues related to the holding of the next ministerial meeting of the Association of Caribbean States to be held in Haiti... |
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