
iciHaiti - Canada : List of scholarship holder selected - CFSP Program 28/04/2016 10:21:18
Following the launch in October 2015, of the Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program (CFSP) for the academic year 2015-2016 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-15402-haiti-canada-launch-of-scholarship-program-cfsp-2015-2016.html the Canadian Embassy in Haiti, is pleased to share the final list of Haitian students confirmed as scholarship holders of CFSP.
List of scholarship holder selected for Haiti for 2016 :
- Wisenie Charleus ;
- Phamessa Mathieu ;
- Marie Line Daphnée François ;
- Phendy Jacques ;
- Middle Fleurantin ;
- Anglish Tham ;
- Kenson César ;
- Élie Jean.
To learn more about the CFSP visit :
IH/ iciHaiti