iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Politic : Evans Paul exhorts his administration to maintain public services 04/03/2016 07:58:43 |
In a note of the Primature, Prime Minister Evans Paul urged the Ministers and State Secretaries of the Government to continue to ensure the provision of essential services to the population... |
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iciHaïti - Justice : 55 detainees released from the Fort Liberté prison... 03/03/2016 11:34:46 |
Monday at the Fort Liberté prison, the Government Commissioner Hérode Bien-Aîmé and Garry Paul Angrand, the Dean of the Court of First Instance of Fort-Liberté, proceed to the release of 55 detainees in end of sentence on humanitarian grounds... |
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iciHaïti - Petit-Goâve : New Director of the Regional Office of Social Affairs 03/03/2016 09:40:15 |
Tuesday, the former spokesman of the Joint Liberation Front, Me Alain Pierre Ernxo became the new Director of the Regional Office of Social Affairs of Petit-Goâve. He was installed in office by Yves Altema, Coordinator... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : Haiti is the country of the Americas with more travel restrictions 03/03/2016 08:46:16 |
A study by the consulting firm Henley & Partners and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) released the results of its investigation Visa Restrictions Index... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : Arrests of several alleged kidnappers 02/03/2016 11:02:39 |
Tuesday at a press conference, the Principal Inspector, Garry Desrosiers, Deputy Spokesman of the National Police of Haiti reported on the actions of the police in the research of author of several kidnappings... |
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iciHaiti - Social : GJH and the diaspora assist the merchants of the Street Courbe and Tiremasse 02/03/2016 09:33:39 |
This Wednesday, the Youth Government of Haiti, in partnership with compatriots in the diaspora, will proceed with the recapitalization ceremony of merchants of the Street Courbe and Tiremasse, victims of the fire occurred... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : Trial of the Political Agreement at the Courthouse 02/03/2016 08:44:08 |
Tuesday, Me Gaston Stanley announced that as part of the series of conferences contradictory of the basoche, will take place this Wed., March 2 to the first Civil Chamber of the Palais de justice the trial of the political agreement of February 6, 2016... |
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iciHaïti - Social : 4-month blockage in UEH... 01/03/2016 11:28:07 |
Students, grouped within the Collective of the State University of Haiti, demanding the resignation of the members of the University Council as a solution to put an end to the indefinite strike of administrative staff union, which paralyzes for... |
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iciHaiti - Humanitarian : «Haïti Chérie» gives 1 million Gourdes for returnees from DR 01/03/2016 09:34:47 |
On Friday, the group of entrepreneurs and heads of Haitian business « Haïti Chérie » has presented a check of 1 million gourdes to the Haitian Red Cross, to support the reception of migrants at official border points and unofficial... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : Provisional assessment of floods 01/03/2016 09:09:29 |
Following the torrential rains caused by the passage of a cold front that hit Haiti on Sunday and Monday, especially in the department of Grande Anse and to Cap Haitien and its region, the DPC reported in a preliminary assessment... |
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