iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Message of the new police commissioner 31/12/2017 08:35:41 |
« We are here to ensure the safety of community members, to serve and protect everyone regardless of their area of belonging... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : Presentation of joint communiqués to 6 new NGOs 31/12/2017 08:11:58 |
Friday, December 29, Aviol Fleurant, the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, issued joint communiqués, granting the official status of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for development assistance, to 6 institutions operating in Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : The Mayor of Croix-des-Bouquets congratulates the new President of Liberia 31/12/2017 07:42:38 |
In a letter Rony Colin, the Mayor of Croix-des-Bouquets congratulates the new President-elect of Liberia... |
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iciHaiti - Health : 99% of cholera cases on the island of Hispaniola are in Haiti 30/12/2017 08:05:30 |
In the Region of the Americas, from the beginning of 2017 to mid-December, a total of 13,582 suspected cases of cholera have been reported in the island of Hispaniola, of which 99% in Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - Security : Inauguration of 4 police stations in Artibonite 30/12/2017 07:26:37 |
Earlier this week in Desdunes, Michel-Ange Gédéon, the Director General of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) and his counterpart of Minujusth symbolically inaugurated the police stations of... |
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iciHaiti - Bahamas : 114 Haitians repatriated at the cost of $40,000 30/12/2017 06:41:49 |
The Bahamas Immigration Department repatriated 114 Haitians in an irregular migratory situation... |
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iciHaiti - Montreal : Haitian Creole Course, session 2018 29/12/2017 09:51:28 |
The International Committee for the Promotion of Creole and Literacy proposes all residents of the Montreal area, who wish to speak, read and write Haitian Creole, its new sessions of course 2018... |
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iciHaiti - Social : Training on engaged citizenship in communities 29/12/2017 07:23:52 |
The organization Help, in collaboration with the Office of the Protection of the Citizen (OPC), organized before Christmas in Léogâne, a training session on human rights and engaged citizenship or the benefit of... |
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iciHaiti - Justice : The Director of Judicial Affairs of the Ministry resigns 29/12/2017 06:48:36 |
The Director of Judicial Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, Me Kébreau Zamora, has just submitted his resignation to the Minister of Justice, Me Heidi Fortuné... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE Diaspora : Invitation for the 214 years of the independence of Haiti 28/12/2017 08:51:56 |
The Consulate of Haiti in French Guyana invites the Haitian community and friends of Haiti, to a mass commemorating the 214 years of the proclamation of the independence of Haiti, Monday, January 1... |
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