Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Music : D-5, PAPJAZZ’ It up ! festival (Program)

Haiti - Education : Monitoring the implementation of the «Commitment Agreement» with unions

Haiti - Education: 1,400 teachers in training for the 4 new fundamental school subjects

Haiti - Economy : Economic inclusion project for vulnerable adults with disabilities

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iciHaiti - Obituary : Tribute Evening for Student Commissioner Jean-Mary Louis-André (Video)

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Launch of the GBV Model Jurisdiction Project

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iciHaiti - Insecurity : Displacement reaches new heights

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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Online Film Festival, free for Haiti
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Online Film Festival, free for Haiti
19/01/2018 06:38:26
After a record attendance for the festival in 2017 with nearly 7 million views for the films of the selection, the best of the young French cinema is again available online My French Film Festival offers a selection of...
iciHaiti - FLASH : Come give your blood and save lives
iciHaiti - FLASH : Come give your blood and save lives
19/01/2018 06:07:44
The French Embassy, the Haitian Red Cross and France Alumni Haiti are organizing a blood collect on Friday 19 January from 2pm to 6pm and Saturday 20 January from 8am to 12pm...
iciHaiti - Politic : Training and development of more than 150,000 teachers
iciHaiti - Politic : Training and development of more than 150,000 teachers
18/01/2018 08:29:40
After a long process of exchanges between the actors of the education system and technicians of the Training and Development Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Minister Pierre Josué Agénor Cadet...
iciHaiti - Politic : Advocacy for a Haitian diplomacy at the service of the Nation
iciHaiti - Politic : Advocacy for a Haitian diplomacy at the service of the Nation
18/01/2018 07:44:48
The speaker Me Richadson Louius, expert in International Relations and Director of the Haitian Center for International Relations for Development appealed for Haiti to regain its place on the international scene...
iciHaiti - Politic : Towards the finalization of the National Spatial Planning Scheme
iciHaiti - Politic : Towards the finalization of the National Spatial Planning Scheme
18/01/2018 06:11:26
Tuesday, the Directorate of Spatial Planning, Local and Regional Development of the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation launched the first work of finalization of the National Spatial Planning Scheme...
iciHaiti - FLASH : Notice to passengers to Chile
iciHaiti - FLASH : Notice to passengers to Chile
17/01/2018 08:45:25
After announcing in a circular that from January 5, 2018 « passengers to Chile will be hosted temporarily only at the terminal Guy Malary, » the National Airport Authority (AAN) in a note dated January 16 announces...
iciHaiti - January 12, 2010 : Message to the Haitian diaspora of the Dominican Republic
iciHaiti - January 12, 2010 : Message to the Haitian diaspora of the Dominican Republic
17/01/2018 08:25:32
As part of the 8th anniversary of the commemoration of the earthquake of January 12, 2010, Mrs. Miousemine Célestin, Chargé d'Affaires ai at the Embassy of Haiti in the Dominican Republic addressed a speech to the Haitian diaspora...
iciHaiti - Politic : Towards the signing of an agreement between the Government and the UEH
iciHaiti - Politic : Towards the signing of an agreement between the Government and the UEH
17/01/2018 07:57:01
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) welcomed the announcement of the imminent signing between the Haitian State and the UEH of a contract-plan...
iciHaiti - OPC : Citizenship Education
iciHaiti - OPC : Citizenship Education
16/01/2018 09:18:43
Monday, as part of Citizenship Education, members of the Office of Citizen Protection, went to the Institution Nossirel Lhérisson led by Pastor Dieussaint Marcelin for a sensitization session aiming to involve 32 students in...
iciHaiti - Health : First Forum on Digital Health in Haiti
iciHaiti - Health : First Forum on Digital Health in Haiti
16/01/2018 08:15:46
A delegation from the Lorquet Foundation participated to the first communal forum on digital health in Haiti. This Forum which took place around the theme « Radiography of telemedicine in Haiti » allowed the participants...

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