iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - CHFP : Resumption of the national championship of D1, April 17-18 13/04/2021 07:59:40 |
Following two important meetings organized by the FHF Standardization Committee with representatives of the National Referees Commission and the Presidents of the clubs of the first national division... |
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iciHaiti - Henry Christophe Campus : Restructuring and reorganization of the Management Board 12/04/2021 10:34:16 |
In a circular to the Henry Christophe de Limonade Campus community, the Executive Council of the University of Haiti announced the restructuring and reorganization of the Campus Management Council following the death... |
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iciHaiti - UNESCO : Towards the inscription of Rara on the «list of Intangible Cultural Heritage requiring urgent safeguard» 12/04/2021 08:21:21 |
As part of the efforts made over the past ten years to safeguard Rara, Caracoli and other Haitian actors, announces that the technical file for the inclusion of Rara of Haiti on the «list of Intangible Cultural Heritage... |
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iciHaiti - Jérémie : Launch of the round table against gender violence 11/04/2021 10:31:05 |
Marie Ghislaine Monpremier, Minister for the Status of Women and Women's Rights (MCFDF), proceeded this week in Jérémie (Dept. Grand'Anse) to the launch of the consultation table of civil society and State organizations against violence gender based... |
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iciHaiti - PNH : Exchange of fire, 3 arrests, 1 injured 11/04/2021 09:40:36 |
Friday, during a joint operation carried out by the Departmental Service of Judicial Police, (SDPJ) North and the police of Grande Rivière du Nord, the named Richardson Césaire (19) was arrested in Bostage, Communal Section of Dondon... |
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iciHaiti - Competition : 46th Edition of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize is launched 10/04/2021 11:37:08 |
The 46th Edition of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize is launched. Remember that this Prize, placed under the supervision of the Lucienne Deschamps Foundation, crowns each year a work written in French and/or in Creole... |
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iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Release of a hostage from the hands of his captors 10/04/2021 10:08:43 |
The Haitian National Police informs that agents of the Public Security of Croix-des-Bouquets carried out an operation Thursday, April 8 in the Bellanton area in order to free a hostage kidnapped by his captors... |
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iciHaiti - Health : Review of the National Ambulance Center (March 2021) 09/04/2021 11:53:17 |
The National Ambulance Center (CAN) has communicated to us its statistical report relating to the pre-hospital care of the various emergency cases carried out during the month of March 2021... |
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iciHaiti - Competition : List of finalists for the essay and eloquence competition 09/04/2021 11:40:26 |
Following the launch in early March of the first edition of the National Essay and Eloquence Contest on the built heritage in Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - Young leader competition : List of 10 young people qualified for the 2nd phase 08/04/2021 10:26:58 |
Following the competition « Young leaders of Haiti 2021 », launched on March 12, by the Ministry of Youth in partnership... |
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