
iciHaiti - Justice : The CSC/CA condemns 4 SMCRS officials to repay nearly 39 million to the Public Treasury 01/08/2021 11:39:32
As part of the audit of the management of the Metropolitan Service for the Collection of Solid Residues (SMCRS), the Financial Chamber of the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Litigation (CSC/CA), issued on July 29, 2021, a judgment who jointly condemns for reasons of "management errors and embezzlement" 4 officials of the SMCRS and a public accountant respectively : Magalie Habitant ex-Director General, Ralph René Administrative Director, Rosemond Jolicœur Chief accountant, Jocelyn Borgella, project coordinator and the Public accountant Me Guy Lafleur to return to the Public Treasury nearly 39 million Gourdes (38,879,776.71)
Details of charges according to the order :
- Transfer of nearly 12 million Gourdes to a non-existent entity called "SMCRS / Nord" without any accounting supporting document being given;
- More than 11 million gourdes in payment for dubious contracts passed and executed outside the law.
- More than 16 million Gourdes incorrectly justified allocated to the purchase of spare parts and other accessories.
PI/ iciHaiti