Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Politic : The new Director General of OFATMA commits to a strategic reform

Haiti - Technology : Official transfer of photovoltaic mini-grids in the Northeast department

Haiti - FLASH : FNE debts amount to more than 2 billion gourdes

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Justice : High-level meeting between the CPT and the CSPJ

iciHaïti - Politic : Chancellor Jean-Baptiste tours Haitian consulates in the USA

iciHaiti - Tribute : UNESCO creates the «Frankétienne Literary Prize»

iciHaiti - Bas-Artibonite : Launch of the interschool football championship

iciHaiti - Obituary : Tribute Evening for Student Commissioner Jean-Mary Louis-André (Video)

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Cité Soleil : The OJH has not stopped its project «Ti Lekòl Lavi»
iciHaiti - Cité Soleil : The OJH has not stopped its project «Ti Lekòl Lavi»
23/11/2021 08:37:35
Despite the difficult situation in Cité Soleil, the Haitian Youth Observatory (OJH) has not stopped its « Ti Lekòl Lavi » project for the benefit of the children of the municipality...
iciHaiti - Justice : Legal assistance to the most deprived
iciHaiti - Justice : Legal assistance to the most deprived
22/11/2021 09:47:53
As part of the « legal clinic » project funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Bar of Port-au-Prince provides legal assistance to vulnerable and needy people (old people, women, minors and people with disabilities...
iciHaiti - Culture : 1st edition of the week of Africans (semaine de l’Africanité) in Haiti
iciHaiti - Culture : 1st edition of the week of Africans (semaine de l’Africanité) in Haiti
22/11/2021 08:30:36
As part of the strengthening of links between Haiti and Africa, the Office of the United Nations Youth Organization of Africa in Haiti (BOJNUAH), announces the 1st edition of the week of Africans in Haiti (semaine de l’Africanité)...
iciHaiti - DR : 31,764 illegal Haitians arrested and repatriated
iciHaiti - DR : 31,764 illegal Haitians arrested and repatriated
22/11/2021 07:58:08
From January to mid-November 2021, the Dominican Republic repatriated to Haiti 31,764 Haitians (28,604 men and 3,160 women) who lived in Dominican territory in an irregular migratory situation...
iciHaiti - DR : GAAR deplores the continued repatriation of pregnant women
iciHaiti - DR : GAAR deplores the continued repatriation of pregnant women
21/11/2021 10:40:59
The GARR, a human rights organization, deplores the fact that despite the talks between Haiti and the Dominican Republic via special envoy Daniel Supplice, the Dominican authorities are continuing repatriation activities, especially pregnant women...
iciHaiti - 218th Vertières : Message from the Ambassador of Haiti to the Benelux and the European Union
iciHaiti - 218th Vertières : Message from the Ambassador of Haiti to the Benelux and the European Union
21/11/2021 09:37:14
As part of the commemoration of the 218th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières and the victory of the indigenous army over the French colonial forces, Jesse Jean, Ambassador of Haiti to the Benelux and the European Union delivered a message...
iciHaiti - Literature : Dubreuil Prize for the first novel 2021, awarded to «Soleil à coudre» by Jean D’Amérique
iciHaiti - Literature : Dubreuil Prize for the first novel 2021, awarded to «Soleil à coudre» by Jean D’Amérique
21/11/2021 08:10:07
The young Haitian writer Jean D'Amérique received the Dubreuil Prize for the first novel 2021 from the Société des Gens De Lettres (SGDL) for his novel « Soleil à coudre » cruel fable swollen with poetry, of desire and blood, where the naivety of a...
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Registration fees for the 9th A.F.
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Registration fees for the 9th A.F.
20/11/2021 10:27:56
Marie Lucie Joseph, the Minister of National Education advises the departmental directors, inspectors, school directors as well as the parents and students concerned...
iciHaiti - Cuba : Staging of the battle of November 18, 1803
iciHaiti - Cuba : Staging of the battle of November 18, 1803
20/11/2021 09:34:24
As part of the commemoration of the 218th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières, the Embassy of Haiti in coordination with the Caribbean Association of Cuba, organized an activity where the main points of the battle were presented...
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Obligation to pay employees a double month
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Obligation to pay employees a double month
20/11/2021 08:39:18
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor reminds « employers of for-profit companies and institutions [...] of the obligation to pay employees...

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