Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Canada : 12 Haitian-Quebecers honored (list)

Haiti - Training : Graduation of 400 young professionals

Haiti - FLASH : Offensive of the PNH, with drones and explosives

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Politic : MCFDF and UNFPA discuss an Annual Work Plan

iciHaiti - Obituary : The great musician, Jean Jean-Pierre has left us

iciHaiti - Religion : The Pope is alert and his health is stable

iciHaiti - Social : Message from Martine Moïse

iciHaiti - Limonade : Inauguration of a temporary waste disposal pit

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Exams: Supervisory visit of Minister Manigat to Correction Centers
iciHaiti - Exams: Supervisory visit of Minister Manigat to Correction Centers
21/08/2023 10:07:49
Sunday August 20, 2023 Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education accompanied by France Etienne Louisseul, Departmental Director of the West...
iciHaiti - DR : The Consul of Haiti in Santiago works tirelessly
iciHaiti - DR : The Consul of Haiti in Santiago works tirelessly
21/08/2023 09:41:25
In order to intensify the process of supporting the Haitian community in the CIBAO region...
iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways: Opening of two new routes to connect Haiti with Miami
iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways: Opening of two new routes to connect Haiti with Miami
21/08/2023 09:08:55
Sunrise Airways opens two new routes to connect Miami, Florida, with Port-au-Prince and Cap Haitien...
iciHaiti - Politic : Launch of the Feminist Summer University
iciHaiti - Politic : Launch of the Feminist Summer University
20/08/2023 09:51:16
Sofia Loréus, Minister for the Status of Women participated this week in the ceremony to launch the Feminist Summer University, around the theme « Gender equality and women's rights »...
iciHaiti - Tabarre : The house of Fritz Jean vandalized and burned
iciHaiti - Tabarre : The house of Fritz Jean vandalized and burned
20/08/2023 09:22:12
Friday, August 18, in a note of solidarity, the Citizen Protection Office learned with emotion and indignation that the house of Fritz Jean (former Chief Inspector General of the PNH and former Deputy Protector of the OPC)...
iciHaiti - Cuba : Training of athletes for international competitions and the Olympics
iciHaiti - Cuba : Training of athletes for international competitions and the Olympics
19/08/2023 09:56:33
Raymonde Rival, la Ministre des Sports accompagnée de son Directeur de Cabinet Me Jean Tholbert Alexis, a reçu l’ambassadeur de Cuba en Haïti Carlos Moya Ramos...
iciHaiti - Security : Evaluation of the resilience of telecommunications networks and infrastructures (Video)
iciHaiti - Security : Evaluation of the resilience of telecommunications networks and infrastructures (Video)
19/08/2023 09:30:38
After the damage suffered by the telecommunications sector, following the last earthquake in Haiti, the International Telecommunications Union, commissioned an assessment of the resilience of telecommunications networks and infrastructures in Haiti...
ici Haiti - Gold Cup 2024 : The Grenadières engaged in the race for qualification (Match schedule)
ici Haiti - Gold Cup 2024 : The Grenadières engaged in the race for qualification (Match schedule)
19/08/2023 09:06:08
Our Grenadières are engaged in the race to qualify for the first 2024 edition of the CONCACAF Women's Gold Cup which will take place from February 17 to March 10, 2024 in the United States...
iciHaiti - League of Nations: Our Grenadiers mobilized in September (Schedule)
iciHaiti - League of Nations: Our Grenadiers mobilized in September (Schedule)
18/08/2023 10:25:32
During the FIFA window for the month of September 2023, the senior Grenadiers will have their first gathering since the Gold Cup 2023, to play the first two of four matches in phase 1 of the CONCACAF nations league...
iciHaiti - Social : The Government assists the displaced people of Carrefour-Feuilles
iciHaiti - Social : The Government assists the displaced people of Carrefour-Feuilles
18/08/2023 10:00:42
Jerry Chandler, Director General of Civil Protection, announced that arrangements have been made to address the recent humanitarian crisis, resulting from the massive influx of internally displaced persons in the metropolitan area...

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