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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
17/11/2013 13:33:36

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
"Cubatour" visited the National Park
Representatives of the tourism sector of Cuba "CUBATOUR", with Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, Ms. Dieudonne Luma Étienne, Regional Director North and other members of the Ministry have made an exploratory visit to the National Historical Park to discover the beauty of the North Destination.

Coup de Chapeau to Haiti
The "Festival Montréal en Lumière", unveiled its programming for the 15th edition of the festival, to be held from February 22 to 2 March 2014. This program includes a "Coup de Chapeau to Haiti". Thursday, February 20, Dany Laferrière "Haïti : un pays qui vit d'art et d'eau fraîche", Friday, February 21, Boukman Eksperyans - Maison du Festival Rio Tinto Alcan-L'Astral ; Saturday, February 22 Kanaval Kanpe 2014. For more information visit : www.montrealenlumiere.com/arts-en/shows-serie.aspx?categorie=haiti

Courtesy visit of the Director of USAID to OMRH
Wednesday Uder Antoine, the General Coordinator of the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH), received the visit of John Groarke, Mission Director of USAID in Haiti. The two men met for more than one hour on various topics, among others, the progress of the reform of state government, as well as the 6-axis around which it revolves.

Significant seizure of narcotics
Garry Desrosiers, spokesman of the PNH reported that since November 1, 2013, 29 people were arrested in the metropolitan zone of Port-au-Prince, four vehicles and 65.33 kilos of marijuana were seized.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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