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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
08/11/2013 13:08:11

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Anti-government demonstration
Thursday , thousands of Haitians have participated in an anti-government demonstration, answering the call of pro-Lavalas organizations supported among others by the "Patriotic Movement of the Democratic Opposition" (MOPOD). Left from Bel-Air, the protesters who demanded among other things the departure of President Martelly and of Prime Minister traveled the zone of La Saline, then taken Delmas Road to head Petionville [where live the Head of State] before going down by Bourdon to go on the area of ​​the Champ de Mars. The whole event took place in a relatively peaceful atmosphere punctuated by chants and slogans against the government, except in Morne Lazarre, Petionville and the Champs de Mars where the protesters faced violently a imposing service of order and cons protesters (stone throw bottles, tear gas and a fez shot).Several injuries were reported, including at least two by bullet [origin of the shots unidentified] and a lot of damage...

Veteran's Day
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando presents its compliments to the Haitian Community of its Jurisdiction, that of Florida in particular and wishes to inform them that the Consulate will be closed on Monday November 11, 2013 in commemoration of Veteran's Day.

Development of tourist lodges
Thursday, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism had a meeting with the engineers and architects association (CNIAH) to approve a development plan of tourist lodges in strategic and tourist areas of the country.

World Diabetes Day
The Haitian Foundation for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases (FHADIMAC) informs that within the framework of the commemoration of "World Diabetes Day", it organizes several activities around this day, the most important being a morning preceded by a march to be held Sunday, November 10, 2013 at Place Boyer Petion-Ville. Conferences, testimonies, and testing will also be conducted.

2nd edition of the Christmas market of the Great South
Thursday, Karine Condé, the Departmental Director South Tourism, Dithny Joan Raton, Departmental Director of Tourism South East and some officials of the Ministry organized a day of work on the preparation of the second edition of the Christmas Market of the Great South, which will take place in the city of Les Cayes, 20, 21, 22 December 2013.

Agricultural Development Project in the Northwest
Earlier this week, Lorenzo Rossi di Monterelera Honorary Consul of Haiti in Turin (Italy) went to Haiti to discuss a project for agricultural development in the North-West.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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