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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
23/10/2013 13:43:47

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Arrest of Me André Michel
The lawyer André Michel, a fierce opponent of the government in power, which was the subject of an arrest warrant from the judge Lamarre Bélizaire, accused of involvement in the murder of the student Frantzy Duverseau was arrested Tuesday evening near a sub-police station in the district of Martissant on the orders of the Government Commissioner of Port-au-Prince, René Francisco.

6 containers missing and not 3 !
Monday Fresnel Jean Baptiste, the General Director of the General Administration of Customs (AGD) revealed that the number of missing containers is finally more than three. "It is 6 instead of 3 containers disappeared" indicating also that of seal had been affixed Friday on the doors of the company "Golden Crown Produce Haïti S.A" regarding this case.

Invitation of the Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando invites the Haitian community, to a roundtable on the occasion of the International Day of the Creole Language (October 28) and the Commemoration of the Death of the Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines. Special Guests Mr. Anderson Dovilas Panelists : Mr. Jean Figaro, Mr. Limoné A. Joseph, Pastor Joseph R. Séjour and Pastor Gilbert Dertes. Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm at 1616 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida 32803. A small snack will be offered. Please confirm your attendance at 407-897-1262 or by email : cons.orlando@diplomatie.ht

Participation of Haiti at World Routes of Las Vegas
A delegation from the Ministry of Tourism accompanied by a representative of the National Airports Authority (NAA) participated from 5 to 8 October, at the 19th World Route Development Forum of Las Vegas. The event was an opportunity for nearly 300 airlines, 750 airports and more than 100 destinations to discuss the future of air services around the world.

150th anniversary of the Frères de l'Instruction Chrétienne
Sunday, the Frères de l'Instruction Chrétienne (FIC), celebrated their 150 years of presence in Haiti, on this occasion, a Mass was sung on the courtyard of the nstitution Saint Louis de Gonzague, Delmas 33.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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