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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
12/10/2013 15:51:37

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Several political parties refuse to participate in elections...
Like the Organization of People in Struggle (OPL) and the Fusion of Social Democrats, INITE announces it will not participate in pre-scheduled elections on January 26, 2014. Paul Denis, political adviser of INITE wonders under the aegis of what electoral law will be held these elections, noting that the draft electoral law has not yet passed in identical terms by the two Houses of Parliament. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9570-haiti-elections-the-president-of-ctcep-unveiled-a-pre-calendar-electoral.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9587-haiti-elections-the-opposition-rejects-the-pre-calendar-electoral.html

"Tout Tifi se pitit nou" (dixit Sophia Martelly)
Friday, First Lady Sophia Martelly declared at the International Day of the Girl Child "I encourage all governmental authorities and organizations involved in the protection of human rights to become more involved in protecting our girls. As parents, Michel and I we strongly condemn and vehemently all forms of human rights violations against them. We believe that society as a whole is responsible for ensuring the well-being and integral development of every child in the country. It is a moral obligation and a civic duty. Tout Tifi se pitit nou..... More than a World Day is an opportunity to think about the future we want for our girls and make commitments for them.

Exchange meeting on the identification of the Diaspora
Friday, an exchange meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, took place at the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation, on the mechanisms and devices to implement by the National Identification Office (ONI) and Haiti's National Archives (ANH) in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Ministry of Haitians living Abroad (MHAVE) to identify undocumented Haitians living outside the country.

Closure of Consulates
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando and Atlanta presents its compliments to the Haitian Community of their Jurisdiction and wishes to inform them that the Consulate will he closed on Monday Octoher 14th and Thursday Octoher 17th 2013 in observance of "Colombus Day" and the 207th anniversary of the death of Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines in Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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