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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
11/10/2013 15:03:27

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
The CSPJ divided...
Several members of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) are finalizing the conclusions and recommendations of the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Judge Jean Serge Joseph, despite the declaration of Me Anel Alexis Joseph, President of CSPJ who stated that the investigation in this case was closed without further action. Once voted by the majority of the Council, this report will be made public. Aussitôt voté par la majorité du Conseil, ce rapport sera rendu public.

Wilson Laleau in Washington D.C.
Wilson Laleau, Minister of Economy and Finance is out of the country from 10 to 14 October 2013, due to its participation in the Annual Meeting of Governors of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C. During his absence the Interim will be provided by Charles Jean-Jacques, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour.

World Standards Day
The Haitian Bureau of Standards (BHN) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) will celebrate World Standards Day [October 14, 2013] under the theme "International standards ensure positive change." On this occasion, the BHN will present the logo of the Haitian national brand of conformity to standards, and a state of standardization in Haiti and CARICOM.

Meeting aroung of tariffs of the Haitian port system
Wednesday, Engineer Alix Célestin, the Director General of the National Port Authority (APN), received the visit of a delegation including Javier Hernandez and Mr. Dufirstson Nérée, Representatives of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and Phillip R. Grissinger and James C. Large, Consultants of the firm PACON. The delegation discussed issues relating to tariffs and the organization of the Haitian port system.

Tour of Boys' Choir & Chamber Orchestra Holy Trinity
From September 5 to October 8 Boys' Choir & Chamber Orchestra Holy Trinity made ​​their traditional tour of the North East coast of the United States, giving more than 30 concerts in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, Baltimore, New York, Connecticut, Boston, Maine, where they had the privilege of performing at the Headquarters of the United Nations and the Consulate General of Haiti in New York, to the African Arts Museum of Smithsonian and to the Embassy of Haiti in Washington D.c.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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