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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
07/10/2013 13:31:12

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Elections: Fanmi Lavalas will not file its folder...
The Fanmi Lavalas party, will not file its folder on October 21, as provided in the pre-calendar eclectoral, in view to the holding of elections January 26, 2014. Ansyto Félix, Spokesman of the Committee of permanent mobilization of Fanmi Lavalas, considers the publication of this calendar, in the absence of the publication of the electoral law submitted by the Transitional College of the Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP), as a diversionary tactic of that electoral body submitted to the Executive... https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9587-haiti-elections-the-opposition-rejects-the-pre-calendar-electoral.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9587-haiti-elections-the-opposition-rejects-the-pre-calendar-electoral.html

Education inspectors equipped with tablets
Last week, the Ministry of Education proceeded to the distribution of 80 tablets (iPad) to Ministry inspectors in the department of the West. Now, work that could take a week or more, will be completed in less than 30 minutes. According to Jean Wilnor Pierre, Head of the Division of support to private education and of partnership of this initiative, provided in ten departments "will allow inspectors to save time in the search for information and will allow to supply real-time data, to the Central Bureau of the Ministry."

Launch of the judicial year 2013-2014
The Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) and the Court of Cassation of the Republic informs the general public, the world of law clerks and members of the judiciary in particular, that the judicial year 2013-2014 will be launched this Monday, October 7 in the presence of members of the diplomatic and consular corps and representatives of the constituent bodies of the State.

1st National Forum on NGOs of Development Assistance
Tuesday at Karibe Convention Center under the patronage of the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation, the Coordination Unit of NGO activities, will organize the First National Forum on Non-Governmental Organizations of Development Assistance, under the theme "Reflections towards an improved state-NGO partnership". This First National Forum will bring together for the first time, around the same table, more than 300 representatives of legal NGOs, of the sectoral ministries, of technical and financial partners.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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