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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
06/10/2013 15:57:34

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Distribution of 32,000 seedlings of coffee
The Office for the Protection of Morne Hospital, part of the Ministry of Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT), proceeded to the distribution of 32,000 seedling of coffee trees in the neighborhoods of : haut Pacot, Boutilliers, Carrefour-feuille, Marchand, Saint Laurent, Moreau and Makako. This distribution is falls within the framework of the Public Investment Program 2012-2013 of MICT and aims to strengthen the protection of Morne Hospital, regenerate the local flora, curb soil erosion and flooding in the capital. These seedlings coming from the municipality of Thiotte accompany the thousands of apricot trees, bamboo and other fruit and forest trees already planted on 8 watershed of Morne Hôpital.

Amnesty International in Haiti
Two Amnesty International delegates, Chiara Liguori, researcher on the Caribbean, and James Burke, campaigner on the Caribbean – will visit Haiti to monitor the right to adequate housing in post-earthquake Haiti and commemorate, together with local NGOs, World Habitat Day on 7 October. They will visit different camps of internally displaced people (IDPs) and hold meetings with Haitian authorities and several local NGOs.

Official Opening of the INSFSF
On Monday, the Ministry of Public Health and Population, will officially launch the National Higher Institute of Training for Midwives (INSFSF). The ceremony will took be held at the maternity Isaïe Jeanty.

Axes of Intervention of Development of the Destination North
Thursday, Ms. Dieudonne Luma Etienne, Northern Regional Director of the Ministry of Tourism, proceeded to ​​the presentation of the "Axes of Intervention of his office" from this month until September 2014. These axes are articulated around four points: 1. Structuring projects (in terms of basic infrastructure and training) 2. The developments of promotional materials 3. The creation of Events (hence the concept of tourism Events) 4. The strengthening of human resources in terms of human resources of Northern Bureau of the Ministry. Ms. Luma took the opportunity to invite all partners and staff of the Office who attended this meeting, to gives a helping hand to the sustainable development of the North Destination.

Assessment of income of phone operators
Friday, Jean Marie Guillaume, director of Conatel, announced that a policy of consisting in evaluating the average income of phone operators and make effective number portability has been adopted in order to allow the telecommunications market is more competitive and stable, indicating also that other measures will be taken to punish the Directors of radio stations and television operating illegally [already 50 illegal stations were recently closed].

HL/ HaitiLibre

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