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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
18/09/2013 14:18:02

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Multiple bans in Place Boyer
The Mayor of Petion-Ville informs cars taxis and motorcycle taxis that they are prohibited from parking in the area of ​​the Place Boyer. In addition, merchants of soft drinks and foods are not allowed to take place the site or its surroundings and that car or moto driving instruction, is also prohibited in the immediate vicinity of the Square.

Follow-up visit with the Ambassador of Brazil
Stéphanie Balimir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism had a working meeting with the Brazilian Ambassador accredited to Haiti, José Luiz Machado e Costa. There was discussion about a collaboration in the field of tourism and hospitality training with the prestigious Brazilian training institution, SENAC (National Service of Commercial Learning). That follow-up meeting takes place follows the trip to Brazil in May https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-8639-haiti-tourism-the-tourism-minister-joined-the-haitian-mission-to-brazil.html A mission of SENAC must arrive in Haiti in November. This cooperation will benefit from technical support of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC).

Creation of aa Administrative Information Center
On Tuesday, the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH), launched at the Ritz Kinam II, the Project of Creation and of Put into Operation of an Administrative Information Center (ARC).

The ANH provides an overview of the program « La Pou La »
On the occasion of the registration campaign, launched in Mare Briole from 12 to 22 August 2013, 9,466 farmers received their birth certificates of Haiti's National Archives (ANH), 7,354 have had their Identification Card national (CIN) and 1,280 farmers have been registered by the Office of the Deputy Minister for the Promotion of the peasantry. The project received the full support of President Martelly, Jean Me Renel Sanon, the Minister of Justice and Jean Baptiste St-Cyr, the Director General of the National Identification Office (ONI).

New perspectives of the IFORHT
Monday, Karine Conde, the Departmental Director of the South - Ministry of Tourism and the team of the Institute of Hotel and Tourism Training (IFORHT), met with students of the Institute on the new perspectives of the institute, in the premises of the Ministry located Faugasse, Route Nationale #2.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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