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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
23/07/2013 16:22:05

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Senate inquiry commission
On Monday, the Senate Special Commission of Inquiry into the circumstances preceding the death of Judge Jean Serge Joseph heard, Me Jean Renel Sanon, the Minister of Justice, who claimed to have not participated in any meeting with Judge Joseph, more precisely a supposed meeting of 11 July, which according to him, has never existed. On Tuesday, the Commission receives the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe in this case where contradictory testimony continues to accumulate. For Me Kedler Augustin, Spokesman of the Primature all these allegations are part of a campaign by members of the opposition to discredit the government in power in the upcoming elections.

National lottery, Spanish cooperation
Mr. Jean Fritz Jean Louis, Director General of the Haitian Lottery was recently in Spain. He met in Madrid, the President and Commercial Director of the National Lottery of Spain respectively Mr. Jose Miguel Martinez and Mr. Juan Antonio Gallardo Lopez who have agreed to develop in the area of ​​the Lottery, a collaboration between Haiti and Spain in particular with a view to facilitate the strengthening of the Haitian State Lottery.

Lift of seat in memory of Judge Joseph
Me Francisco René, President of the Association of Haitian Magistrates (Asmah) announced for July 25 a lift of seat of all magistrates of Haiti to salute the memory of Judge Jean Serge Joseph, died Saturday, July 13, 2013 and as a sign of solidarity with the relatives of the deceased. The lift of seat will be observed exactly at 10:15 am.

Haiti to the Francophone Youth Parliament in Côte d'Ivoire
Annirose Sertyl, a young St. Marcoise, accompanied by the Senator of Artibonite Francois Anick Joseph represented Haiti in the 6th edition of the Francophone Youth Parliament, on the sidelines of the 39th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie, which was recently held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

Sports Seminar in Santo Domingo
A training seminar for 57 young Haitians in APEC University of Santo Domingo (29 young of the Haitian Olympic Committee ; 24 of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action and 4 young of Anse-a-Pitre), was offered by Jaime David Fernández Mirabal, the Dominican Minister of Sports.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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