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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
20/07/2013 13:43:22

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Training of the APN Fire Brigade
Wednesday, the General Directorate of the National Port Authority has concluded a 3-day training aimed at strengthening the skills of the fire brigade of the institution in the fight against fires and rescue operations to ensure safety of the Port.

Bilateral Workshop on the commercial exchanges
The Haitian Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is organizing in partnership with the European Union, a binational workshop aiti - Dominican Republic, dedicated to the Infrastructure Qualityon the theme "One island, a test, a measure : accepted". This workshop is intended for cooperation agencies and operators and authorities of both countries, responsible for quality infrastructure, aims to facilitate sustainable and fair commercial exchanges between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and strengthen cooperation to ensure the transparency of trade and product quality.

Musical invitation to Cange
As part of the holding of the traditional Music Camp [July 14 to August 5], the School of Music Holy Trinity, to Cange (Mirebalais) under the direction of Father David César and Dr. John Jost invites you to its recitals every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Saturdays at 4:00 pm and its concerts on 21, July 28 and August 4 at 2:00 pm.

2nd Edition of the Race Mountain Bike Ayiti
Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism met with the organizers of Mountain Bike Ayiti who reported on the success of the first Edition, last year, 23 publications in 6 languages ​​were made on this event. According to the organizers the second edition of this annual race is scheduled for January and February 2014.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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