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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
30/05/2013 13:33:27

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Laurent Lamothe ready to explain
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, announced that he will respond to the convocation of senators Tuesday, June 4 and is ready to provide all necessary explanations on the use of 5 billion gourdes disbursed under the state of emergency and post Isaac and Sandy.

Emergency ambulance for travelers
Tuesday, Stephanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, met Florence Duperval Guillaume, the Minister of Health to discuss of an emergency ambulance plan for travelers, in the main tourist areas of the country.

Caribbean Day of the Blind
The Haitian Society of Assistance for the Blinds (Shaa) announces the celebration of the Caribbean Day of the Blind May 31 on the theme "Ak kouraj, detèminasyion, piti piti, n a riv" On this occasion a series of activities are planned during the day, including panel discussions, lectures and training sessions and awareness in schools.

Sympathy note from the Ministry of Culture
The Ministry of Culture has learned with regret the disappearance of Raymond Chassagne, occurred Monday, May 27, 2013 at the age of 89 years. The Ministry bows before the remains of this brilliant writer and presents its sincere condolences to his family, relatives, and all intellectual community affected by this loss.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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