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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
27/05/2013 13:38:04

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
NOTICE : List of canceled flights
Following the off the runway of a plane yesterday Sunday https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-8656-haiti-security-boeing-707-off-the-runway-at-the-toussaint-louverture-international-airport.html the flight AA 1988 of 9:20 AM for Fort Lauderdale, AA 1608 of 9:45 AM for Miami, AA 1462 of 1:10 PM for Miami, AA 866 of 2:40 PM for New York, AA 1754 of 3:35 PM for Miami, AA 2288 of 4:05 PM for Fort Lauderdale and AA 486 de 6:35 PM for Miami were canceled. At teh arrival the flights AA 807, AA 377, AA 1143, AA 837, AA 1659, AC 950, AA 2285 et AA 697 were canceled.

Debris Removal and Recycling
The ILO workshop on recycling at the Haut-Turgeau Grand Seminar was launched. Managed by Archi-Technie, it produced paved stones and other materials, in response to market needs. It is used as a technical training center and for the organization of potential micro-enterprises to undertake paving stones production. Some results for the first quarter of 2013 : 113 workers trained in recycling and construction techniques, of which 35 on business management ; 9 local businesses supported ; 250 square meters of rehabilitated corridors ; 23,819 paving stones produced.

Important police operations
Sunday, following joint operations involving the National Police of Haiti and the Minustah, a Haitian citizen living abroad was arrested in Croix-des-Bouquets, suspected of involvement in two cases of abduction. Also during operations in Belecour, Soleil 17 and 19, 11 people were also arrested, including a gang leader.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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