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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
21/05/2013 13:17:59

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Explosion at Hotel Montana
Monday afternoon, the explosion of a propane tank at the hotel Montana, caused a fire. The incident occurred when a company delivering the product, four people from the delivery company were injured "There was an incident with the gas delivery. More fear than harm. Of the four wounded two are already out of the hospital. Our building is intact," declared the Director of the Hotel Montana.

Mission of Spanish businessmen in Haiti
Monday, an exploratory mission of Spanish businessmen arrived in Port-au-Prince. These businessmen, who will stay in the country from 20 to 23, came to inquire about investment opportunities in Haiti in the areas of engineering, solid waste management, water and road infrastructure. They will have meetings with various government officials and other senior officials of the public administration. This exploration business mission is organized by the Embassy of Spain in Haiti and the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, under the coordination of the Haitian Chancellery.

Recommendation of the OPL to the CTCEP
The Organization of People in Struggle (OPL) intends to make recommendations to the Transitional College of the Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP) within the framework of the preparation of the draft electoral law. The OPL will propose in particular hat electoral disputes are dealt with by a tribunal instead of CTCEP, the decentralization of polling centers and the citizen participation in order to reduce costs, according to what declared the Senator Francois Anick Joseph.

Mother's Day at the headquarters of the National Theatre
Sunday, May 26, at the headquarters of the National Theatre from 6:00 pm, the General Directorate of the National Theatre of Haiti will hold a ceremony aimed at promote all mothers of the bicentenary and surrounding areas, on the occasion of the celebration of the "Mother's Day. "

HL/ HaitiLibre

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