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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
20/05/2013 14:09:06

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Last week, Ray Kelly Police Commissioner of New York, received the "Excellence in support of criminal justice" awarded by the U.S. Secretary of State "in recognition of the outstanding contribution of the Police Department to the efforts of the State Department to strengthen the rule of law in Haiti." Since 2010, Commissioner Kelly made 12 deployments of police officers in Haiti including 68 officers creole speaking to provide training and mentoring their counterparts of the National Police of Haiti, on matters relating to investigations, anti-kidnapping strategies and to support the general operation of the police.

Phase II of the project "Plis espas pou fanm"
The Association of Volunteers for the International Service (AVSI) has launched the second phase of the project "Plis espas pou fanm" for the benefit of 4,000 women residents of Cité Soleil and Martissant. Two clinics in each of the areas will be intended to provide gynecological care and psycho-social. Since 2010 AVSI works with the RVC (Community Violence Reduction) in projects with youth and women at risk. 9 projects were funded for a total cost of 1.5 million U.S. dollars.

Cultural Cooperation Wallonia-Haiti
Last Thursday, Josette Darguste, the Minister of Culture have, received Véronique Doyen, Desk Officer Latin America (Caribbean) of Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) and responsible for bilateral relations with Haiti. Ms. Doyen made the history of the WBI cooperation with Haiti and informed the Ministry of projects running. The activities falling within the framework of this cooperation consist primarily in travel training in the fields of theater and music. It is the FOKAL Foundation which provides the link with the office of WBI for the selection of artists.

"From land to the plate"
Last Thursday, a preparatory meeting for the Milano Expo 2015 was held at the Ministry of Agriculture. Ms. Gladys Mexil Guiteau, Commissioner General of Haiti in Expo Milano, met with the Commission of Ministry to expose the broad lines of this great event, to which Haiti is invited to participate. Note that the Expo Milano 2015 will be held in Milan, Italy and will last six months (from May 1st to October 31st, 2015). Each country will present among other its culture, art, cuisine... The general theme for Haiti is "From land to the plate"

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