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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/05/2013 14:17:12

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Discussions around the Bay of Fort Liberté
Tuesday, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism met with Kevin Roberts, Vice President of the "CDC Global" along with members of the Tourist Association of Haiti (ATH). Kevin Roberts is an American developer came to Haiti at the invitation of the "Task Force" for an assessment of historical, cultural and ecological potential of the Bay of Fort Liberté for its safeguarding and the evelopment of the area. The Mexican team of Felipe Ortiz, presented on the occasion, the development plan of the South Coast.

Statement of J-C. Duvalier after the intervention of Michel Martelly
Jean-Claude Duvalier declared after the intervention of President Martelly Tuesday, May 14 "I have closely followed the intervention of President [...] And I have retained with satisfaction his wish to meet with former Heads State. [...] I remains convinced of the urgent need to unite and, that only a national consensus can enable us to overcome the countless challenges. Haiti First ! Haiti forever ! Vive Haiti ! Vive the people of Haiti !"

The Head of State in the town of Guibert
Earlier this week, the President Martelly visited the village of Guibert (Kenscoff). The Head of State, assisted by the population, identified a land for the construction of a health center and a vocational training center for young people. He also promised to the people of this town, the construction of road infrastructure and support to farmers.

Tourism Development...
On Wednesday, the Minister of Tourism met with Ms. Aurélie Gilles of the IDB and the Vice-Consul of Brazil around the main projects of the Ministry. Were discussed among others, at the meeting: a technical support to establish the Organization of Management of Destination North ; the facilitation of links with investors of private sector Brazilianto develop the destinations of Île-à-Vache, Côtes-de-Fer... and the Establishment of a fund (with the Brazilian Cooperation) for the modernization of the Hotel School.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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