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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
06/05/2013 15:14:27

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Invitation to the casting for Miss Haiti 2013 (South)
Saturday, May 11, organizers of Miss Haiti 2013, inviting young women of Jacmel, to the regional casting of Miss Haiti 2013 at "Le Belvedere", Street de l'Église #32 in Jacmel. To participate, the requirements are: between 18 and 25 years old, unmarried, have no children, minimum size 1m72. The final will take place at Suave Night Club (Old Samba) in Jacmel, May 24 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Aristide's return to the political scene?
Sunday, Richard Morse, Director of Hotel Oloffson, said he met Jean Bertrand Aristide three times in the last two weeks to discuss the possibility that his wife could run for a seat as a senator under the banner of Lavalas. According M.Morse, the former President is making a comeback on the political scene and tries to ensure a quality team at his side.

Inauguration of the Institute of Hotel and Tourism Training...
On Monday, the Minister of Tourism, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, together with the President of the Republic Michel Martelly inaugurated the Institute of Hotel and Tourism Training of Les Cayes (The IFORHT) in the locality of Faugasse (South).

"Deported" Awarded at the Festival Vues d'Afrique
Saturday, May 4 in Montreal, the Haitian documentary "Deported" of Rachèle Magloire and Chantal Regnault, that speaks of the deportation in Haiti, of offenders from the United States or Canada after serving their sentence, got two awards at the Festival Vues d'Afrique: Best Documentary and Human Rights Award.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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