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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
27/04/2013 14:14:01

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
The Deputy Acklush Louis-Jeune attacked
Friday in a traffic jam in Pacot, the Deputy Acklush Louis Jeune behind the wheel of his vehicle, was the victim of an attack by two gunmen who robbed of his money and his two mobile phones, before taking the leak, informed the deputy of the OPL (Organisation of People in Struggle).

Inspections in Cap-Haitien
A "task force" composed of immigration officers and agents of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), currently inspects hotels and some construction sites in Cap-Haitien. The Ministry of Public Health will join the team for the inspection of restaurants. This inspection will be 2 times per month.

Support of President of Mexico
Friday, during the 5th Summit of the ACS, the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, has called on the international community to continue its humanitarian assistance and of economic reconstruction in Haiti. On behalf of Mexico, he has expressed its commitment to support and by a greater cooperation, "the brother people of Haiti".

Donation of a fire truck
Thursday, Haiti Works proceeded to Toussaint Louverture International Airport, to teh delivery of a Fire Truck, offered by the city authorities of Connecticut to the Municipality of Petion-ville. The ceremony was chaired by the Mayor of Petion-ville, Yvanka Jolicoeur Brutus, in the presence of Consul of New York, Metelus Roody, that of Boston Daril Baltazar, Vladimir Joseph and responsible of the activities of Haiti Works.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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