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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
20/04/2013 13:46:16

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
40 million gourdes for the Summit of the ACS
The 5th summit of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) will be held in Port-au-Prince from 23 to 26 April. In the presence of 25 Member States (Heads of States and Governments), 5 associate members of the ACS and nearly 300 delegates (Ministers, Ambassadors and senior officials) on the theme "Revitalizing the Vision of the Association of Caribbean States for a Stronger and More United Greater Caribbean" are expected. According to Pierre Richard Casimir, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the organization of these meetings will cost Haiti, the sum of 40 million gourdes.

MINUSTAH ready to support the election
The Minustah salutes the official installation of Advisers of College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP) and encourages this electoral institution to swiftly implement all means necessary to meet the electoral prerequisites, including the amendment of the Electoral Act and the recruitment of staff of CTCEP in region in greater transparency, in order to establish an electoral timetable for the holding of elections in 2013. The Minustah is ready to support free, transparent and inclusive elections.

The lower chamber vote the law on free fundamental education
Tuesday, April 16, the Chamber of Deputies adopted by the majority (54 votes), the draft law on the free fundamental education. Deputy Jean Tolbert Alexis, President of the Lower House has informed that the legislation will be sent to the Senate so that the latter vote in turn this important legislation.

"Haiti on Ice"
Friday, a new planning meeting was held at the Ministry of Tourism on the holding of the event "Haiti on Ice." At the meeting took part Josette Darguste, the Minister of Culture, Magalie Racine, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Services, Maryse Noel, General Director of the Ministry of Tourism and the organizers of "Haiti on Ice". The date set is 26 and 27 April 2013 at the National Stadium Sylvio Cator.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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