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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
17/04/2013 14:22:35

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
More than 800 projects in progress
More than 800 development projects are in progress throughout the country. Most of these projects concern particularly the roads, airports, schools and administrative infrastructure. These works progressing rapidly. The Administration Martelly-Lamothe continues to work in order to put the country really on the track of development.

New Director General at the Chancellery
On Monday, Mr. Fortuné Dorléan was installed as new Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by the Chancellor Pierre-Richard Casimir.

Helen Clark, soon in visit
Sunday, April 21, Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will be one again in Haiti, to visit achievements of the project 16/6 in Jean-Baptiste, a district of Canapé Vert.

New delivery service of documents abroad
Tuesday, Wilfrid Bertrand, Director of the National Archives of Haiti, announced that a new service of delivery abroad of identification documents is now available. This service of delivery abroad (Livraison à l'étranger - LAE) is made ​​operational through the various Haitian consulates. For any problem or need in relation to the National Archives, the applicants must go to the consulate of the host country, to begin the process. Whatever may be the case, the service fee is set at $ 170, and 130 euros for those who live in Europe. These costs cover, acording to Mr. Bertrand, the management the file upon receipt until its delivery by DHL.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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