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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
09/04/2013 13:27:47

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Word of sympathy of President Martelly
The President Michel Martelly, learned with sadness the news of the death on Monday 8 April in the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. The Head of State added his voice to that of Government and people of Haiti, to express his sincere condolences to the family and friends of Margaret Thatcher, to the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, to the Government and people of the United Kingdom. Margaret Thatcher was a great political figure. She will remain long in history and memories.

Arnel Bélizaire warned Ralph Théano
Last Thursday, Ralph Théano, Minister for Relations with Parliament had been expelled and announced that he will return to the Lower House "If he returns here in the lower chamber, this time hewill be expelled with the utmost rigor," declared the Deputy Arnel Bélizaire "unless he is accompanied by the President of the Republic." Friday Ralph Théano has indicated that as Minister, he had every right to come to Parliament, which he intends to do, whatever threats.

125 customs officers soon deployed on the border
Monday, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, went to the 'École Nationale d'Administration Financière', to attend the Opening Ceremony of the training session in customs legislation and safety controls, of 125 agents recruited by competition for customs supervision. These officers will be deployed at the end of their training, across the border to counter the smuggling and to fight against corruption, said the Prime Minister.

Tourism taxation
Monday, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, attended the Tourism Advisory Board (at the Ministry), around the issue of tourism taxation.

World Health Day
Sunday, Dr. Florence Guillaume Duperval, Minister of Public Health, indicated that 45% of the Haitian population was suffering of high blood pressure and invited people to be health conscious, to live better and longer.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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