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Haiti - Agriculture : IFAD signs $23.6 million grant agreement with Haiti

Haiti - Economy : Dominican exports to Haiti on the rise

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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
06/04/2013 14:34:47

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Mission of René Jean Jumeau en Mission in Brazil
René Jean Jumeau, the Minister for Energy Security, to the Prime Minister is in official mission in Brasilia (the capital of the Federative Republic of Brazil) to meet the Brazilian authorities around the Hydroelectric Project Artibonite 4C.

New Regional Director at FAES
Friday, the Fund of Economic and Social Assistance (FAES) has proceeded with the installation in office of Gabriel Saint Germain as the new Director of the Regional Office South East (BRSE) of FAES.

Training program on universal accessibility
The Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, in conjunction with Haïti Tech and the Christian Blind Mission
(CBM), announces the launch of a training program on 12 and 13 April at the Haiti Tec, on universal accessibility for all professionals working in the field of construction in Haiti. For more information call to : 3845 0943 / 3882 5285.

Haiti, a priority for the Swiss Cooperation
Friday during a meeting between Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe and Ambassador of Switzerland in Haiti, Edita Vokral,the latter confirmed him that the Republic of Haiti was a priority country for Swiss cooperation and that his country wished to cooperate with the Haitian government in the
strengthening of
food security.

New Peruvian ambassador in Haiti
The Peruvian Government has appointed Enrique Palacios Reyes, as new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Haiti. Mr. Palacios is the current Ambassador of Peru and the Dominican Republic and he will now assume this dual function. The Peruvian diplomat, will continue to reside in the Dominican Republic.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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