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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
05/04/2013 16:07:59

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Multi-destinations and image of Haiti
Thursday, Stéphanie Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism received the Ambassador Roberto Martinez, Responsible for the Haiti-Dominican Joint Commission for the Dominican part. The issue of managing the image of Haiti and the multi-destination touristic (between two countries) have been at the center of discussions.

Dental mission at MHAVE
Thursday, a delegation from the Medical Dental Mission Anacia Pierre Louis, went to the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) to expose to the Minister Bernice Fidelia various projects undertaken by the Mission in Pointe-à-Raquettes.

Email address of Bureau voodoo
The Bureau voodoo of the Ministry of Cults now has an email address. For teh files of "official recognition" of your peristyles or how to start a process of Oaths as Hougan or Manbo, do not hesitate to contact the bureau at : bureauvodou.cultes@gmail.com . Your comments will be highly appreciated.

Common interests...
Thursday, was held a working meeting between the Haitian Chancellor, Pierre-Richard Casimir and Roberto Martinez Villanueva, Technical Secretary of the Joint Committee Haitian-Dominican around common interests of both countries.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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