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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
18/03/2013 15:40:16

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Crop insurance
On Thursday, a workshop to validate the strategy of implementation of crop insurance program was launched. Developed by the Ministry of Agriculture this strategy developed in the framework of the project "System of Agricultural Financing and Insurance in Haiti", is part of the modernization plan of the agricultural sector, which constitutes one of the priorities of the administration Martelly-Lamothe.

Workshop on Intellectual Property
Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 March, from 9:00 am to 5:45 pm in the cafeteria of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MCI), in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Haitian Bureau of Copyright, of the Ministry of Culture, is organizing a workshop on "The intellectual property as a tool of development". This workshop will be led by international experts from WIPO, BHDA, and by lawyers and jurists Haitian, is intended to make understand the importance of intellectual property in the sustainable development of a country.

Sports Festival of the Women
Saturday, during the second day of the Sports Festivalwhich takes place in the Dominican Republic from 15 to 17 March, our Haitian selection of Volleyball, finished fifth after its victory on Saturday and its 2 losses Friday https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-8123-haiti-sports-sports-festival-of-the-women-first-day-disappointing.html In Weightlifting [snatch, shouldered, thrown] the Haitian selection remained to teh bottom of the podium by winning the 4th place [Medgina Célestin (69 kg)], the 5th place [Alexandra Yousedana Médor Alexis (53 kg]] and the 6th place [Jaslie Polinis (48 kg)].

End of visit of Joanne Rinaldo
Mrs. Joanne Rinaldo, Vice-President of the Americas region of the JCI, visited Haiti from March 15 to 18, within the framework of actions of Global Office to support the national organizations and build capacity. Several training sessions were provided by Mrs. Rinald, who also visited the site where soon the Mltipurpose Center will be built https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-7859-haiti-social-jci-haiti-obtains-the-support-of-representatives-of-jci-from-a-dozen-countries.html Sunday, in the presence of Mrs. Rinaldo and forty representatives of local organizations Members of JCI across the country, has been signed an important Memorandum of Understanding with the firm Aviol Fleurant, who is committed to make available free of charge the expertise of its law firm, at the service of members of the JCI Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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