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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
21/02/2013 13:30:35

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Free sidewalks and streets of Port-au-Prince
The Communale Commission of Port-au-Prince, urged once again, all the merchants, garage owners and mechanics illegally occupying the sidewalks and pavements of the capital to release them, under penalty of seizure of goods by municipal officials responsible to enforce this decision, reminding to the interested that sidewalks are reserved for pedestrians and road to vehicles.

New Director General to the OFATMA
Wednesday, Max Rudolph Saint Albin, until now Deputy Director General of the Office of Insurance, Workers' Compensation, Sickness and Maternity (OFATMA) was installed yesterday as the new General Manager of the institution, by Charles Jean Jacques, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, and also outgoing director of the institution.

Heads of State to MUPANAH
At the end of the 24th General Meeting of the CARICOM, the Ministry of Culture organized a tour in the presence of Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, at the Museum of the National Pantheon of Haiti (MUPANAH), to share the achievements of national history, with the various Heads of State and Government of CARICOM.

Database of emergency preparedness
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando invites all the professionals, businesses and NGOs in the community to register with the office. The purpose of this is to create an emergency preparedness file in case of emergencies both here and in Haiti. For more information and to obtain a form, please contact the Consulate at 407-897-1262, by fax at 407-897-8163 or via e-mail at cons.orlando@diplomatie.ht

Prime Minister meets a consulting firm in the mining sector
On Wednesday, Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe met with the Chief Executive Officer of Roscoe Postle Associates Inc.. a Canadian consulting firm specializing in the mining industry.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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