Haiti - FLASH : The premises of RTVC in ruelle Chavannes burned

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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
13/02/2013 12:30:17

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Notice : Program "Kore etidyan"
All students who are enrolled in the Program "Kore etidyan" during the months of December 2012 and January 2013 will begin receiving money transfers from 18 February 2013. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-7437-haiti-education-3-500-students-already-beneficiaries-of-the-program-kore-etidyan.html

Computer assembly plant in Haiti ?
The Thai company X-Core Corporation, based in Thailand, which has offices in the United States, exploring the possibility of installing a computer assembly plant in Haiti. The X-Core computers already present in Haiti through its local partner company Suntel S.A., present the advantage of being energy efficient and cheap. This new venture could ultimately create more than 1,000 jobs.

Cap-Haitien, three centuries of history and architecture
Northern Regional Office of the Ministry of Tourism on Tuesday presented a major conference-debate at the University Roi Henri Christophe of limonade, around the theme: "The Cap-Haitien, three centuries of History and Architecture" the speakers were : the Agronomist Seide François, for the aspect Environment; Historian Wilbert O. Joseph, for the History, the Heritage expert Eddy Lubin for the Built Heritage.

Ball of the Valentine
Thursday, February 14, on the occasion of Valentine's Day, the Haitian Group "Union Troubadour" invites you to dance to the ball of the Valentine's Day from 7:00 pm at the French Institute of Haiti, 99 Avenue Lamartiniere, Bois Verna Port-au-Prince. Free Entry.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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