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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
06/02/2013 14:12:32

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
The shooting team of the film "Toussaint" in MUPANAH
Accompanied by the Director General of the Bureau of Ethnology M. Herold Josué, the production team of the film "Toussaint" on tour of prospection in Haiti, composed, among others, of Kyra Pahlen, Jeta Amata and Jean-Charles Levy, visited the Museum of the Haitian National Pantheon (MUPANAH) where they received a warm welcome. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-7812-haiti-culture-toussaint-louverture-on-cinema-screens-in-2014.html

Carnival 2013 campaign against sexist
Natacha Clergy, Director of the promotion and defense of women's rights at the Ministry for Women launched a campaign against sexist messages. Ministry officials are in talks with the leaders of bands and musical groups, to bring them to avoid infringing messages detrimental to the female gender at the National Carnival.

5th thematic table of Donors
On Tuesday, a 5th thematic table of Donors, led by the Office of Human Resources Management (OMRH) was held at the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE). One of the objectives of this meeting was to confirm or identify actions that donors will support. At the end of the meeting, the technical and financial partners such as the European Union, USAID, the World Bank and Canada (followed to do with MEF) have confirmed the amounts they will put at the disposal of the Haitian Government in the framework of the implementation of the State Reform.

The Spanish Secretary of State on tour on the island
The Spanish Secretary of State for Development Cooperation and for Latin America, Jesus Gracia, began a tour Tuesday in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In Haiti, Mr. Gracia plans to meet with President Michel Martelly and Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, with whom he will discuss the state of bilateral relations. He will also visit various projects implemented by the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation (AECID) in Jacmel (South) and will meet with a representative of the Spanish companies that are actively involved in the reconstruction of Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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