Haiti - News : Zapping…

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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
13/01/2013 15:35:10

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
"Goudougoudou" to Montreal
Lakay Media presents Sunday, January 13, at 18:30, at the cultural center "La Perle retrouvée" located 7655 20th Avenue, Montreal, a play entitled "Goudougoudou". On this occasion will be launched "Empreinte", a series of programs on Quebecers of Haitian origin who contribute to Quebec society. For information: 514-652-9841 or by email at lakaymedia@outlook.com. Admission: $ 20 adults, $ 10 children

Amending Budget 2012/2013, greener
According to Jean Vilmont Hilaire, Minister of the Environment, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe is considering filing an amending budget 2012/2013 in Parliament, taking into account the new measures relating to the environment.

President Martelly and the Minister of Culture in the lakous...
This Sunday, January 13, the President Michel Martelly with Jean Mario Dupuy, Minister of Culture, will visit the lakous Souvenance, Soukri and Badjo in Gonaïves in the Artibonite Department.

Chamber Music Concert this Sunday
"Traveling Notes" together with the Embassy of the United States in Haiti invites you to participate in a chamber music concert with young musicians Haitian and Dominican Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 5:30 pm in the Chapel of the institution Saint Louis de Gonzague, located at Delmas 31, Port-au-Prince. Free admission.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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