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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
08/01/2013 12:39:18

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Rosemond Jean, determined to pursue Aristide
Rosemond Jean coordinator of the Coordination of Members Victims of Cooperatives (CONASOVIC) author of the second complaint against former President Aristide says he's determined to pursue Mr. Aristide, and states not only have filed a complaint against the former President, but against all those who participated in the diversion of money of members of cooperatives.

363 violent demonstrations in 2012
Monday, Reginald Delva, the Secretary of State for Public Security, indicated that during the year 2012, the country had about 363 violent demonstrations "These demonstrations send wrong signs to the Haitian diaspora and tourists."

The President Martelly in Venezuela Wednesday
Monday, the President Michel Martelly indicated, that he intended travel in Venezuela on Wednesday to attend an important meeting in Caracas with other heads of state in the region to attend a large rally in support of President Hugo Chavez, currently being treated in Cuba.

Nearly 1,000 Haitians blocked at the border
Monday a tense situation prevailed at the border Dajabon/Malpasse, where nearly a thousand Haitian workers, who had spent the holiday season in Haiti, were forbidden to enter the Dominican Republic, following a decision of the Dominican immigration, for the reason they did not have legal documents to cross the border.

3 major summits in Haiti in 2013
Pierre Richard Casimir, the Foreign Minister said on Monday that Haiti will host 3 great events in 2013: the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean [February 2013] - the Annual Meeting of Directors General of Tax of Francophone Countries [March 2013] - the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) [april].

HL/ HaïitiLibre

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