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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
05/01/2013 15:23:47

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Cleaning operation in Cap-Haitien
At the initiative of fishermen of the area, residents of the neighborhoods of the coastline of "Nan Bannann" and "Pon Nèf " in Cap-Haitien, have decided to undertake a large-scale waste collection operation.
a large-scale waste collection.

Desras asked the Executive to be thrifty
At this beginning of year, Dieuseul Desras Simon, President of the Senate urged the Haitian people to arm themselves with courage and determination to face the challenges of the year 2013, because of the many problems that have not found a solution in 2012... He also calls on the Executive to be thrifty by avoiding unnecessary travel and expenses.

National Carnival, Mario Dupuy in Cap-Haitien
Friday, as part of preparations for the organization of the National Carnival, Mario Dupuy, Minister of Culture, went to Cap-Haitien to meet with representatives of different cultural actors concerned. The National Carnival will be held this year in Cap-Haitien, 10, 11 and 12 February 2013.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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