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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
24/12/2012 12:50:38

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Third robbery attempt at the seismic station of Cap Haitien
The engineer Louinel Bélizaire, Director of the National Observatory of the environment and the vulnerability of Haiti, reported that for the third time, individuals were attempting to rob the new seismic station installed in Cap-Haitien. It calls for vigilance of all, in order to preserve the valuable equipment, intended for the protection of the population.

"The Humor" of the Ambassador of France...
Last Monday, in his speech delivered during his farewell party, the outgoing Ambassador Didier Le Bret opened his speech with a hint of humor, saying, "You know the saying : a guest, always brings a smile, when it arrives, or when he goes. I do not know in which category you will put me once I left. Some may be relieved, and I understand. Others will say : let's see, the next may be worse..."

Growing insecurity in Grand-Goâve
Fritz Aristile, Head of the Police Station of Grand-Goâve, indicated that these recent days, the city was faced with a situation of growing insecurity, which according to him would be linked to a serious lack ofequipment of the local police. A delegation of senior members of the National Police of Haiti affected to the DCPJ, went on Saturday to the spot to take the necessary measures to restore without delay the safety of the people in this town.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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